Weddings at Summit
Scheduling Your Wedding
To begin the process of scheduling your wedding, please secure a tentative wedding date with the Summit Facilities Coordinator, who will place your wedding and rehearsal on the calendar, if the date is available. Weddings hosted by the Summit and by one of our Pastors are for members of the Summit only.
Reservations for weddings and rehearsals are not entered permanently in the church calendar until the couple has met with a pastor and a nonrefundable deposit is paid to the Summit.
Weddings on Saturdays can only be scheduled in the morning, to begin no later than 11:30 am. The church must be cleared by 1:30 pm.
Any changes of dates and hours of rehearsals and weddings must be coordinated with the Facilities Coordinator.
Choosing a Minister/Premarital Counseling
It is the responsibility of the bride and groom to secure a Summit Church pastor to officiate the wedding ceremony. Premarital counseling is a requirement for marriage at the Summit. All pre-marital counseling is done by one of the Summit pastors. A bride and groom premarital questionnaire is attached and must be sent to the appropriate pastor before counseling can begin.
An honorarium is normally given to the officiating pastor ($250 is suggested.)
Wedding Coordinator Responsibilities
A Wedding Coordinator is assigned to each couple. In addition, you may wish to engage the services of a professional wedding consultant. An outside consultant must confer with the assigned Wedding Coordinator regarding church policies, logistics and times of arrival and departure of bridal parties and suppliers.
The Wedding Coordinator assists in preparing the order of the wedding service. She is available at the rehearsal and is on site 90 minutes prior to the wedding service and remains on duty until the bride leaves the campus.
The Wedding Coordinator, in consultation with the officiating pastor, has the final authority in matters regarding to the wedding at the church.
Summit Church Fees
The wedding coordinator will provide a current list of fees for weddings. In order to secure your wedding date, a nonrefundable deposit of $75.00 is due within 30 days of setting your date. The balance of all fees must be paid to the church two weeks prior to the wedding. Payment can also be made in installments, if desired.
Your Rehearsal
The rehearsal will begin promptly at the designated time and proceed in an orderly manner, even if all members of the wedding party are not present.
Rehearsals are to be completed within one hour. Musicians and vocalists should meet for practice either prior to or after the rehearsal or at another time than the rehearsal. It is the responsibility of the bride or groom to contact the Head Sound Tech should an additional rehearsal with the musicians or vocalists be needed. This will need to be scheduled at least two weeks prior to the wedding.
Music suitable for the marriage ceremony must be approved by the officiating pastor. Because your wedding ceremony is a worship service and celebration before the Lord, your music selections should be appropriate and dignified.
Sound Tech Functions
A Summit-trained Sound Tech is assigned to your rehearsal and wedding. Only staff technicians are approved to operate the A/V equipment. The Sound Tech is on site for 90 minutes (30 minutes before and 1 hour during) at the rehearsal and three hours for the wedding.
Videotaping of Your Wedding
Videotaping of your wedding ceremony is acceptable and available. Any outside videographer must have approval from the wedding coordinator for the location of the camera(s). If the videographer wishes to utilize the church sound system, arrangements must be made with our Sound Tech at the rehearsal. Video recording of the ceremony provided by the church is available for an additional fee.
Building Decor
Chairs in the main auditorium cannot be reconfigured and keep in mind that it may not be possible to change the décor being used by Summit Church for the current sermon series. The drum set cannot be moved but a backdrop may be placed in front of the drums if desired. All other equipment on the stage may only be moved by a designated Summit Sound Tech. The wires for the equipment will remain on the platform and cannot be removed. Glitter and small confetti is prohibited.
Only artificial flower petals may be used on the floors, and all isle runners are prohibited.
Floral Decorations
Floral arrangement and other decorations may be placed on the altar area with approval of the Wedding Coordinator. Florists must arrange to have their decor in place 90 minutes prior to the service. Decor items must be removed immediately after the ceremony or after photographs have been taken.
Smoking is not permitted inside any part of the church facility.
Alcoholic beverages are not permitted.
The throwing of rice or birdseed is not allowed.
Please make sure all personal items are removed from the
dressing rooms after the wedding. Summit Church is not
responsible for any valuables left unattended.